Večnamenski kongresni center je mogoče v celoti prilagoditi zahtevam klientov


Ponujamo organizacijo kongresov, seminarjev, banketov, svečanih zabav in poročnih večerji.

Vse dvorane so večnamenske, od postave za kino, učilnic, svečanih večerji in sprejemov in jih lahko najamete kot prazen prostor za večje in manjše prireditve. Ponujamo tudi najnovejšo in najkakovostnejšo tehnično opremo za vaše prireditve, od preproste table do opreme za videokonference in simultano prevajanje.

V vseh kongresnih dvoranah je “dnevna svetloba”, ki z najsodobnejšo LED osvetlitvijo lahko zagotovi popolno vzdušje.


Kapaciteta dvorane:

– Dvorana Plaža: 300 ljudi

– Dvorana Mirabella: 60 ljudi

– Dvorana Cetina: 40 ljudi


Glavna dvorana Plaža ima možnost spreminjanja LED luči v 24 različnih barvah in odtenkih. Dvorana je opremljena s 3 kamerami v HD ločljivosti. Kamere lahko posnamejo celotne dogodke, shranjene na DVD-ju, ali pa se lahko v živo naloži na spletno mesto.

CongresSmall 1


Naše manjše dvorane so idealne za manjša srečanja in seminarje, opremljene so z zvočniki z možnostjo priključitve mikrofona.


Ponujamo tudi širok izbor hrane in pijače, od preproste dobrodošlice do najbolj prefinjene hrane.


Vse dvorane so povezane s hodnikom, ki je idealno mesto za informacijsko mizo za registracijo udeležencev različnih prireditev. Naše prijazno osebje vam bo pomagalo in odgovorilo na vsa vprašanja v zvezi z organizacijo različnih dogodkov, prostih terminov in cen.


Sends us a request and receive the best offer directly in your inbox. You can send us your inquiry by filling out the form below or contacting us via e-mail sales@hotelplaza.hr
1. Contact information
Name and Surname: *(required field)
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E-mail: *(required field)
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E-mail: *(required field)
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Street and city:
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Zip code:
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2. General information
Arrival date:
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Departure date:
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Alternative date of arrival/departure:
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Field is required!
Name of the event:
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Field is required!
Type of event:
  • - select -
  • Congress
  • Seminar
  • Banquet
  • Wedding reception
  • Other
- select -
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Field is required!
Number of participants:
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Field is required!
3. Room requirements
Potreban broj soba:
Single use
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Double room
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Field is required!
4. Select the desired conference room
  • - select -
  • CONFERENCE HALL PLAŽA (capacity up to 300 people)
  • CONFERENCE HALL MIRABELLA (capacity up to 60 people)
  • CONFERENCE HALL CETINA (capacity up to 40 people)
- select -
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Field is required!
* capacity is determined by theatre style seating
5. Audio visual equipment and additional services
Choose the equipment that you will need during the event
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Field is required!
Field is required!
Field is required!
6. Food & beverage
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Field is required!
7. Additional comments
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Field is required!

Information on the use of personal data

Andro International d.o.o. is the manager of the processing of your personal data that you submit this way. Your data is processed on the basis of a voluntary application. The purpose of processing is to select candidates depending on the changing needs of workers. The information you provide in this application is stored in the candidate database and is deleted within 10 years. At any time, you can withdraw your consent and additionally request the deletion of the submitted personal data from the candidate database in writing via the e-mail address of the Data Protection Officer dtomasovic@hotelplaza.hr
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I confirm that I have read and agree to the Information on the use of personal data. * (required field)
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