Praznovanja, poroke in banketi

Proslavite začetek svojega skupnega življenja s hotelom Plaža Duće.

Poleg elegantnega okolja in izjemne storitve ponujamo tudi širok izbor poročnih menijev z darilno nočjo za mladoporočenca v naših luksuznih spalnicah.

Želimo, da vaša poroka odraža vašo osebnost in stil, prav zato svojo storitev prilagodimo vam in vašim željam ter je zato Hotel Plaža Duće idealen kraj za vaš poseben dan.

Kapaciteta dvorane: do 220 ljudi

Poroka: od oktobra do aprila

Za vsa vprašanja v zvezi z organizacijo prazničnih dogodkov, prostih terminov in cenah vam je na voljo naše osebje.

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Information on the use of personal data

Andro International d.o.o. is the manager of the processing of your personal data that you submit this way. Your data is processed on the basis of a voluntary application. The purpose of processing is to select candidates depending on the changing needs of workers. The information you provide in this application is stored in the candidate database and is deleted within 10 years. At any time, you can withdraw your consent and additionally request the deletion of the submitted personal data from the candidate database in writing via the e-mail address of the Data Protection Officer dtomasovic@hotelplaza.hr
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